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Aztec Experience Featured Photo

Aztec Experience

All incoming 9th-graders and parents
Wednesday, March 26th at 6PM

Let us show you what life is like at Esperanza.

Timeline of the evening:
6:00-6:30pm: Pep rally in the main gym
6:30-7:00pm: Parents hear from counselors about high school; students participate in fun activities with ASB/PTSA
7:00-7:30pm: Program, Sport, and Club Expo in the main quad
Aztec Experience (all incoming 9th graders and families) Featured Photo

Aztec Experience (all incoming 9th graders and families)

Let us show you what life is like at Esperanza.

Timeline of the evening:

6-6:30pm: Pep rally in the main gym

6:30-7:00 pm: Parents hear from counselors about high school
Students participate in fun activities with ASB/PTSA

7:00-7:30 pm: Program, Sport, and Club Expo in main quad
Aztecs on Air Featured Photo

Aztecs on Air

Here are the weekly announcements for Esperanza. Watch each episode to stay on top of what is happening at Esperanza!
Car Show - Match 7th Featured Photo

Car Show - Match 7th

Esperanza High School
The car show will be held on Fri, March 7th at lunch.
Applications due by Fri, April 28th
You will park your car in the staff parking lot before school starts. Park in your assigned spot.
If your car is not there by the start of lunch, your car will be disqualified.
You must park in the spot assigned to you.
EHS and PYLUSD are not responsible for any damage that may take place during the Car Show.
The show area will be surrounded by caution tape
Teachers will have a release list of those who are participating in the Car Show and the time that they should be released to get their car.
Car stereos may be played during lunch only. Any cars playing their stereos during class time will be disqualified.
All cars must be street legal.
Car engines must stay off during the show (no revving)
Car show categories:
Best Classic
Best Mom Car
Sports Car
Best Paint Job
Best Overall

See Mrs. Lukach in the ASB room (750) if you have any questions.
Thank you for your interest!
Pencil with a sharpener and shavings

About Us

Welcome to our school! We believe that parent participation is key to student success; our new website is designed to provide parents with all the information they need to be active participants in their student’s education. You will find that the site works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop so you can find information on the go.