Sadies Tickets on Sale
- What
- Sadies Tickets on Sale
- When
- 2/25/2022
- Where
- EHS Blacktop
MARCH 19th
Tickets are on sale at the finance office or online at the Esperanza Webstore.
Early Tickets: Feb 22nd - Feb 25th (finance office or webstore)
$25 w/ ASB
$35 w/out ASB
Regular Tickets: Feb 28th - Mar 11th (finance office or webstore)
$30 w/ ASB
$40 w/out ASB
Late Tickets: Mar 14th - March 18th (finance office or webstore)
$45 for all CASH ONLY (finance office) Debit/credit (webstore)
At the Door: Mar 19th
$50 Cash only - no webstore
Each ticket purchased comes with a t-shirt so have your size ready at the time of purchase. If you purchase your tickets after Fri, March 11th your t-shirt size isn't guaranteed. T-shirts will be passed out on March 17th and 18th during break and lunch.
Guest passes can be picked up outside the ASB room. They must be turned in by March 11th at 3pm to the ASB room to be approved by campus security for ticket purchase. Every guest pass must be turned in with a copy of the guest's ID picture. Guest tickets must be purchased at the finance office and NOT on the website. No guest pass tickets will be sold at the door.